Livening Up Your Home's Shabby Yard Before Selling

If your landscaping skills have been less-than-stellar lately, your yard might need a refresh before you sell your home. Your yard and the exterior of your home are the first thing that potential homebuyers will see. Here are four quick tips to liven up a shabby yard as part of getting your home ready to show.

1. Clear-Cutting Overgrown Weeds

The first step in dealing with an unruly yard is to clear-cut your entire front yard and assess what is underneath. If you can get rids of dead, overgrown weeds and plants, there just might be some greenery below. An overall sprucing up will at least make your home look more inviting and well cared for.

2. Potted Plants and Hanging Flowers

A quick way to bring greenery and a splash of color to an otherwise drab front yard is with potted plants and hanging flowers. These can be bought ready to display and can line walkways and be hung in entryway. Smaller plants can still bring a welcoming feel to your home. If you are selling your home, don't worry too much about these plants in the long run. They just need to do their job of looking nice until you close on selling your home.

3. Statues and Stones

If you live in dry area or your location has been affected by a drought, you might be hard pressed to bring in anything lifelike to liven up your space. If you can set up non-living accents to bring in a little extra excitement. Source some stylish statues, fountains, or larger stones to incorporate into your yard. Be careful not to fall in love with these new items, as the new owners will most likely expect all landscaping to come with the home.

4. Mulch or Fake Grass

If your yard space is bald or just a layer of long-dead grass, your hopes of a fresh yard happening quickly are slim. An alternative you can cover this with is mulch. This rich color of soil will liven up the look of your yard and can be good around trees or shady spots. Don't discredit fake grass as an option when getting your home ready to sell. Fake grass is better than a dead yard and potential homebuyers can imagine what the space will look like with real grass down the line.

If your real estate agent has some advice when it comes to sprucing up your yard specifically, it is worth it to hear them out. You want to make a good first impression and get potential homebuyers in the door. The best place to up your curb appeal is with sprucing up a shabby yard. Contact a business that specializes in real estate in your area for more information. 

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Paring Down Your List of Homeowner Must-Haves

When I started saving for my first house, I started thinking about the different things that my place absolutely had to have. In addition to an open floor plan and a nice neighborhood, I also wanted a beautifully landscaped yard, granite countertops, and a jetted tub. Unfortunately, my real estate agent explained that those items would be hard to find with my budget. I want every homeowner to know what they might be able to expect with their budget, which is why I am putting up this blog. By educating yourself, you might be able to find the right home a little sooner, and avoid wasting time.